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Melissa Bangs

In September 2012, at 40 years old, Melissa Bangs gave birth. A month later, dramatically sleep deprived, she is admitted to the psych ward. Eventually, she is sent home on lithium. What comes next is an extraordinary journey.

In 2014, Melissa wrote and performed her one-woman tragicomedy, Playing Monopoly with God & Other True Stories. Over the next 3 1/2 years, Melissa and her family hit the road and nearly 5,000 people take in her hilarious yet heart-wrenching nonfiction performance.

Melissa Bangs is a storyteller at heart. For her, a true story with all of its highs and lows, its clarity and murkiness is the route to understanding, forgiveness and transformation.  

In tandem with her performance, Melissa has led storytelling workshops for dozens of moms that experienced trauma, loss or hardship during the perinatal period.  

Melissa's mantra is: "If my story does nothing else, may it unleash yours."