What We Are Reading

Here are articles that caught Joy’s eye this month:

CBS News: 1 In 5 College Students So Stressed They Consider Suicide

College can be so stressful that many students think about killing themselves, and some even try, a new study suggests.

Among more than 67,000 students surveyed, over 20 percent said they experienced stressful events in the last year that were strongly associated with mental health problems, including harming themselves and suicidal thoughts or attempts, researchers found. (Reinberg, 9/10)
Read it here.

USA Today: What States Aren’t Doing To Save Mother’s Lives

The U.S. maternal death rate is among the highest in the developed world. Eighteen states haven't studied these deaths and others tend to blame moms. Read it here.

New York Times: The Costs of Motherhood Are Rising, and Catching Women Off Guard

College-educated women in particular underestimate the demands of parenthood and the difficulties of combining working and parenting, new research shows. Read it here.

Wall Street Journal: Brain Data Could Read Moods, Potentially Treat Depression

Study uses experimental software to decode variations in mood using recordings from implants in seven patients. Many brain regions underpin emotions and the brain is inherently complex. Read it here.

Forbes: How Retail Mental Health Could Be Medicine's Next Frontier

Because of psychiatry shortages, patients with urgent mental health needs may be seen first in an ER, but often they aren’t sick enough to be admitted. Retail mental health centers in NY use physician extenders and not strictly psychiatrists and are able to scale the model. Read more here.