The 2021 FORUM Line up

Here are Descriptions of the Full 3-Day Program Lineup!

Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health
The 2021 Reset:
Redesigning Policy and Systems So All Mothers Can Thrive
Wednesday-Friday, March 24-26, 2021

Registration doesn’t close until Friday, after the last session.
For just $55, get a front seat ticket to any/all of the sessions that pique your interest.



Welcome + A Mother’s Story: An Indigenous Mother’s Experience - 12 noon PT

Opening Keynote & Fireside Chat - 12:20pm PT
State of the State of Mental Health and Maternal Mental Health Care
Learn about how women are fairing through COVID through real-time data collected by Mental Health America through their on-line screening tools being used by thousands of U.S. moms. After a presentation by Theresa Nguyen, Chief Program Officer and Vice President of Research and Innovation at MHA, Joy Burkhard, Executive Director of 2020 Mom will host a fireside chat with Thersa to kick off the FORUM discussing what's working and what’s not about maternal mental health in America.

Panel 1: Advancing Improvements in Care: Payor, Employer and Provider Perspectives - 1:00pm PT
In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of the multiple levers for change to improve diagnosis and treatment of maternal mental health disorders. Levers include payors (Private Insurance companies and state Medicaid agencies) including provider and pharma contract arrangements, the provider ‘collaborative care’ model, and the power of employers as purchasers of private insurance to influence change and support internal employment structures and more. In this session, attendees will learn it really takes the full delivery ecosystem working together to improve diagnosis and treatment rates.

Virtual Networking by Region - 2:15pm See Map
This is the session where you can meet with 4-5 others in your region to network and learn about the latest efforts to address maternal mental health. Instead of dusting off and grabbing your business cards, set up your Whova profile and let the networking begin.



Welcome + A Mother’s Story: Losing a Twin Sister - 9:15am PT

Panel 2: Taking Social Determinants of Health to the Next Level - 9:30am PT
In this session, we will unpack what social determinants of health (SDOH) means including “moving upstream” to create health and wellbeing and reduce disparities. Attendees will also learn about the Federal Agency, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) SDoH framework and new billing codes. The panel will also discuss what key stakeholder groups can do to implement SDOH interventions and further policy levers.

Breakout Sessions - 10:45am PT

Fireside Chat: Cigna & The University of Utah Maternal Loneliness & Cigna Resilience Studies - 12:45pm PT
In this session, attendees will learn about the first U.S. studies on loneliness and a review of literature about maternal loneliness specifically. We will also hear about Cigna’s study on resilience and which populations are struggling with bouncing back from adversity.

Maternal Mental Health Hero Award, Honoring John Straus, MD - 1:45 pm PT
An award will be presented to pediatrician John Straus, the father of the telepsychiatry consultation movement, for laying the groundwork for the maternal telepsychiatry consultation programs which are beginning to take hold across the country. We will learn about how this work began and why it’s so important in a dialogue with Dr. Straus and Dr. Nancy Byatt.

Virtual Networking by Profession/Topic See Topics - 2:15pm PT
This networking session will allow you to go deep with colleagues to discuss and connect around a particular topic. The 13 topics range from Maternal OCD, preventing suicide, building obstetrician capacity, supporting military families and birth trauma.

Screening of Not CAROL (shortened) and Roundtable Discussion on Postpartum Psychosis - 3pm-4pm PT
Watch segments of the documentary film about a mother who did the unthinkable after a break due to postpartum psychosis. This discussion will include the producer, an award-winning NPR journalist, a survivor of psychosis and a forensic psychologist.



Welcome + A Mother’s Story: Becoming a Mom while Battling Schizophrenia - 9:15am PT

Keynote: Joia Crear-Perry, MD The Birth Equity Movement - 9:30am PT
Dr. Crear-Perry will share her life’s work building a movement to help those supporting mothers understand what it means to be Black and birth in America. This session includes an overview and examples of structural racism, and how improving social determinants of health by creating equity and reducing racism, will change outcomes for Black women giving birth and raising families.

Panel 3: The 4th Trimester and Beyond - 10:45am PT
Attendees in this session will get to unpack the complexities of America’s virtually nonexistent system for 4th trimester care and support. This will include an overview of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s 2018 position on “Optimizing Postpartum Care” and ACOG’s position 2015 position and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s position on screening for maternal depression, and why it takes more than positions, including taking revisions to insurer/payor reimbursement to implement change. This session will also discuss how technology and virtual support can help mothers and providers alike.

A Special Performance by the Beautiful Singer and Songwriter, Esh - 12pm

Panel 4: What’s Next for Mental Health Policy - 12:15pm PT
This panel will dive into the federal maternal health policy landscape, discuss recent ground-breaking federal mental health policy prior to COVID, what’s needed now to address the COVID mental health “second” pandemic, and what two states are doing to address maternal mental health.

Fireside Chat: What’s Next for Motherhood? And FORUM Closing - 1:15-2pm PT
In this closing FORUM session, a member of Congress, a journalist, and a book author will discuss what it means to be a mother in American and what steps Congress and society must take right now to address the nearly impossible tasks of mothering effectively in America.

See you at the FORUM!

Maternal Mental Health FORUMA Virtual Conference and Networking Event