Governor Newsom: Continue to Be a Champion for Families and Mental Health – Sign AB 2360

Dear California 2020 Mom Community,

The following letter was sent to the governor urging him to sign AB 2360, on Friday, September 4, 2020.

You can urge him to sign the bill too by sending your own request through the governor’s website. It takes two minutes. Learn more here.

Please Sign AB 2360, Telehealth: Mental Health Consultations, “The Mothers and Children Mental Health Support Act of 2020”

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CA Mothers and Children Mental Health Support Act of 2020 – Passed Another Hurdle

California Assembly Bill 2360: Mothers and Children Mental Health Support Act of 2020, offers provider to provider psychiatry consultation and is one of few health care and telehealth bills that has proceeded through the legislative process. This week it passed through a significant hurdle, the senate appropriations process. Now it’s off to the senate floor for a vote.

Below is the latest letter submitted showing support from nearly 50 organizations including the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and more.

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